As seen in The Collegian | Volume 5, Issue XI -- Fall 2006  

Open Dorms Canceled!
Informal request in jeapordy?

Stephens: The man with no pants (above)

WHITTINGTON HALL -- We've had disturbing report come in from Whittington resident David Green about an unfortunate incident that ended with RA Matthew Stephens losing his pants, sort of...

Today our RA Matthew Stephens (the man with no pants) created
a video asking his girlfriend to the Shawreth informal. He wanted to be creative and witty at the same time so he thought up this video. While he was talking in the video, Andrew and Paul played guitar and sang, providing the background music. Our talented friend Guy was the videographer. This video turned out freaking hillarious. Matthew was going to share this video with his girlfriend tonight at open dorms,hoping that she would say yes to his invitation. Will she? We might never know because they canceled open dorms for tonight! But how can she resist the sexy physique of Matthew without his pants on?

-- Whittington Weekly staff


Disclaimer: The Whittington Weekly is an unofficial student page, in no way related to the official Mississippi College home page. The stories contained within this site are meant for humor and satire purposes only and attempt to bring to the surface some of the lighter aspects of campus life. The writers/students have the utmost respect for the  faculty and staff and appreciate all of their hard work to better our education. Remember, parody is the highest form of flattery. Any coincidental resemblance to the truth is predominantly fleeting.

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