As seen in The Collegian | Volume 5, Issue XI -- Fall 2006  

Special Report:"Riot Night"
The inmates break loose from the asylum

WHITTINGTON HALL -- The Whitt Weekly has received an exclusive eyewitness account of a volitile situation that took place around Whittington Hall on Halloween night. From the provided details, we were able to patch together a rough timeline of that fateful Fall night.

The event, later dubbed "RIOT Nite," started when a group of male freshmen got involved in a confrontation at the infamous Horseshoe.

Clinton PD SWAT prepares to secure the area.

Seemingly resolved, the fight ignited again when the freshmen encountered each other again back inside Whittington. The scuffle spilled to the outside of the dorm's west entrance, directly in front of a security camera, alerting campus security of the situation.

Raging for around 20 minutes, the brawl ended when the Clinton Police Department's SWAT unit(along with mulitple Residence Life staff members) flooded onto the scene.

An anonymous source provided the Whittington Weekly with exclusive photos from the infamous night:

Any enrolled students that were directly involved in the scuffle have been exhiled from Whittington until their day in court with the SGA judicial council. -- Grandmaster Sexay



Disclaimer: The Whittington Weekly is an unofficial student page, in no way related to the official Mississippi College home page. The stories contained within this site are meant for humor and satire purposes only and attempt to bring to the surface some of the lighter aspects of campus life. The writers/students have the utmost respect for the  faculty and staff and appreciate all of their hard work to better our education. Remember, parody is the highest form of flattery. Any coincidental resemblance to the truth is predominantly fleeting.

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